Thursday, January 12, 2012

Rain On.

It may not feel quite like winter here in Boston but Mother Nature is definitely trying.  Rain.  Rain.  And more rain in the forecast for today.  It is kind of nice, though.  This weather makes it acceptable to stay indoors.  To have another cup of hot coffee.  To take an afternoon nap.  To make those delicious chocolate chip oatmeal cookies.  I love rainy days.

And happy one year anniversary to me.  I have been (mostly) happily taking care of Boston's finest at MGH for a year now.  And oh what a year it has been.   

Has it been less-than-wintery where you live?  It's weird.  This time last year we were blanketed in snow.  Like feet and feet of the stuff.  This year?  Not so much. 


  1. Weirdest winter weather ever. Last week there was a day here that hit 70 degrees. Today the high is 10. Crazy.

  2. That is a gorgeous rainy photos:))


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