Saturday, January 28, 2012

33 years old. 33 weeks pregnant.

Today is my 33rd birthday.  And today I start my 33rd week of pregnancy.  So strange (and auspicious) that they are occurring on the same day.  I remember last year's birthday celebration.  Very different from what we'll be doing this year!  No gin & tonics.  No falling down in fits of laughter (and drunkenness) in the snow.  No bottles of wine.  Hopefully there will be cupcakes.  But we'll be celebrating for sure. 

I couldn't be happier to be pregnant.  It was a long time coming for me us.  If, on last year's birthday, I could have looked ahead to this year, I would be ecstatic and overjoyed to know that I'd be 33 weeks pregnant and just 7 weeks away from meeting our daughter.

Happy Birthday to me.  I feel so lucky.   


  1. Have a wonderful birthday! You look fantastic :)

  2. Happy birthday, Briana!!! You look absolutely GLOWING! I hope you have an amazing day with lots of cupcakes :) 7 weeks to go!!!!! So exciting :)

  3. Happy Birthday to YOU!!!! You look amazzzzing! 7 weeks!! You're soooo close!

  4. I hope you got cupcakes...cuz, it doesn't count if you don't. Plus, you need to train that baby early.

  5. auspiscious indeed. i love that picture and this post. you look so radiant.

  6. Happy Birthday!!! Sorry I'm late on it. So happy for you. Hope it was fabulous. Imagine next year?!


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