Monday, July 14, 2014


Olympic Legacy splash park. The Gateway Mall.

In my few years away, I'd forgotten how sweltering hot it can get in Utah during the month of July. Temperatures were in the high-90's all weekend and triple digits are predicted for this week! The only saving grace, though, and what makes the heat here tolerable compared to the heat we had in Boston, is the lack of humidity. Basically for the months of June, July, and August, my hair was always in a pile on top of my head when we lived in Boston because there was absolutely no point. It was going to be a poofy, unmanageable mess no matter what.

Add that to the list of things I do not miss about Boston.

Bunco on Friday night was wonderful. The food was delicious. The company was entertaining. And I won pistachio shortbread cookies from my favorite bakery (it's a good thing my second Whole30 went bust last week!). On Saturday, a friend and I beat the heat and went up Millcreek canyon for a beautiful hike to Dog Lake and then on Sunday, we were invited to watch the World Cup final at a neighbors' house.

How'd the potty training go, you wonder? Alice has the peeing in the toilet part down. Pooping in the toilet? That's another story. Despite having gone #2 in the toilet a few weeks ago, she seems to have developed this irrational fear of doing it again. She'll be in underwear, feel the urge, FREAK OUT that she needs a diaper, I put one on her, she does her business and then yells out, "Maaaaaaama! I pooooooooooped! Come chaaaaaaange me!"

Two steps forward. One step back.

How was your weekend?

Weekend Workouts: Saturday - Hike with Jill! 5.6 miles/1:58/1,447 ft elev gain. Sunday - Rest day!

Little pink toenails. She is so proud of them.


  1. Congrats on your little Alice getting the potty training underway. My son just turned three and we're at the exact same place you are: no problem with #1, no way with #2. My son will go #2 -- in his undies -- just minutes after we've finished peeing in the potty. Go figure.

  2. Fun pictures of Alice playing in the water. Potty training is always a challenge. Keep up the good work. She seems to be getting there .... even though it's only half way. xoxo


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