She loves her new table. // And when there is no inversion, those mountains are perfectly visible. Not this week, though. :-(
Remember how I went to get my new driver's license on Friday because my old California one expires tomorrow? Ya. Well, I got it eventually but, because I tend to not read the fine print when it comes to anything in my life, I went to the wrong DMV office, the office that only distributes car registrations.
I'm sure you're thinking, No big deal! Just drive yourself to the DMV office six miles away that issues drivers' licenses! And you're right, that would've been easy if I would've driven there but, because of the currently horrendous air quality here in SLC, I opted to take the train rather than drive and then walk the mile from the stop to the wrong DMV office.
The good news is that once I walked back to the train stop, waited for and then got on another train, walked another mile to the right DMV office, I was in and out of there with my new temporary license in less than an hour.
The rest of our weekend was spent with Lee installing the new hardware on our bedroom door (!!) and with me finishing my continuing education credits so that I can reapply for my Utah nursing license before my Massachusetts license expires. Tomorrow. No pressure.
That's two very important things I've left until the very last minute. 2014 is sure off to a great start!
How was your weekend?
Weekend Workouts: None! I was wicked sore from my long run on Tues followed by three days in a row of CrossFit!
Good luck with finishing your credits!! And that middle shot of the mountains is so beautiful x