Friday, January 11, 2013

Day Off.

Best lattes in town. Cafe Fixe.

Earlier in the week, I was a little disappointed that my call for jury duty had been canceled.  Of course I wasn't upset that I was no longer going to be sitting in an uncomfortable chair all day in the Suffolk County Courthouse, it was more that I was looking forward to a mid-week day off without Alice.  I was looking forward to an entire day away from my daily grind as a mom.  Does that sound terrible?!

I realized as the date for my jury duty approached that I'd never spent more than just an hour or two away from Alice.  In the nine months and twenty days since she was born, I haven't been out for a day by myself without lugging a baby, a diaper bag and stroller along with me.  So when that magical day off was suddenly taken away from me I felt sort of let down.

So today I'll be clocking out from my role as Mom just after lunch.  My husband is coming home early to spend the afternoon with Alice and I am getting out on my own.  I'll carry a purse (not a diaper bag) for the first time in almost ten months!  I'll bring my camera and different lenses and leisurely take pictures as I walk!  I'll savor a coffee while reading a book!  Who know where the day will take me.

But I can't wait to find out.  


  1. Oh I TOTALLY get this one. As much as we love our kids we seriously still need a break from them sometimes.

    Enjoy your day off!

  2. I can imagine!

    That's awfully nice of your husband - I'm sure he and Alice will have a great time together too :)

    Hope you enjoy your time off on your own! There's nothing better than to love and be loved, but some quality alone time is pretty damn close ;)

  3. Yes, I agree too, it's ok to take time off.

    You kids were a little older than Alice, (you 3 1/2 and sister 20 mo) when your dad and I seperated, and moved out of state. So I totally relied on my sister to take you girls for an overnight stay. Luckily you loved your cousins and you were all about the same age.

    You just need a break once in a while, it's ok.

  4. It is not only nice to take me time, it's so important to take care of yourself! So many moms forget about taking care of themselves. We all try so hard to take care of everyone else and put ourselves on the back burner.

    In our house when the girls were smaller Saturday was daddy daughter day. That meant that either he spent all day or half the day with her, and gave me time alone. I could run, do errands, rest, read, HEAVEN!!! Maybe you should suggest a regular 'daddy daughter' day to him. I know that my husband has a great time with his girls and everyone knows that a father's relationship with his daughter is SOOOOO important!

    Hope you had a great day and can't wait to see the pictures.

  5. I completely understand. Enjoy your afternoon off xx

  6. Oh, mama, I know how you feel! I actually feel naked when I am not carrying a baby! But you need the time off. I know whenever I get a couple of hours to myself, I feel like a better mama when I get home... turns out I actually like the little buggers!

    Hope you had a great time, Briana. You deserve it!

  7. No, that doesn't sound terrible. I kick Gus and Craig out of the house or run away to a coffee shop nearly every chance I get. It's demanding to be a mama and it strips a lot of yourself away doing it day in and day out. You need that break to recharge and reconnect. Can't wait to hear about your day!!


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