Friday, March 11, 2011

Real or Fake?

Fun Foto Friday.  I'm bringing it back.  It's rainy here in Beantown so I'm reminiscing about the past to bring some sunshine into my day.  First off... remember when I was sort of down-in-the-dumps earlier in the week?  Well I did a little retail therapy, but not the kind you'd expect.  I bought a plant.  A real one.  I loooove plants and gardens and flowers and I've been missing the plants I left back in Utah (I hope their adoptive parents are keeping them watered and happy!).  So while I was at Whole Foods picking up things to restock our pantry, I got a plant... a total impulse-buy.  But it was worth the $12 price tag as it brought a smile to my face.

(Philodendron. I love these plants! And they are really hard to kill!)

A few weeks ago I ordered a 'wrapped canvas' from CafePress of a photo I took while in South Africa.  I absolutely loved the foliage in Cape Town and I took many pictures of various plants and flowers while we hiked to the top of Table Mountain.  Here is the photo....

  (I took this photo on the top of Table Mtn. It was a huuuuge aloe plant.)

And here is the wrapped canvas print from CafePress!  I'm happy with the final product!

(Should I sign my work??)

It's big but I like it.  I think I'll hang it in the guest bathroom (which is where I took the above picture).  I might order a few more smaller canvas' of other foliage pictures I took while in South Africa.  Seriously, it was gorgeous down there.

And two more photos... just for fun.  Are you so happy it's Friday?!  Big Kitty sure is.

(Big Kitty. She loves a good windsor knot.)

 (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Go there. Seriously. It is life-changing!)

Do you love plants?  I do.  And I really want a garden but I've never lived in a place with a yard (Seriously, I've ALWAYS lived in apartments or condos or lofts my whole life!)  I'd love to grow my own veggies and dig in the dirt and smell the earth!  My mother-in-law has a huge garden and I spend a lot of time out there when we visit in the summer.

What is the most beautiful or most inspirational or most wonderful vacation you've taken?  I've been fortunate enough to go to many places and it's a close tie between Rio de Janeiro, Brasil and Cape Town, South Africa.  Hmmmm.... I think Rio ekes out Cape Town but only by a smidgen!

Garmin stats: 8 miles/61 minutes.  I made it through my run BEFORE the torrential downpour! YES!

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to get a Philodendron. I kill all plants!

    I went to Australia last October. It was amazing. The Great Ocean Road (south of Melbourne) is spectacular!


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