Scenes from this morning's mtn bike ride.
We are in that perfect fall weather pattern here in Salt Lake right now where our mornings are cool and crisp and our afternoons are sunny and warm. This morning I went for a mountain bike ride by myself up behind the Capitol on the Bonneville Shoreline trail and I was once again amazed over where we get to live.
Utah is such a beautiful state.
Happy weekend! What are your plans? We are going camping! Hopefully none of us gets sick like we did on our last camping adventure.
Weekly Workouts: Monday - CrossFit! Strict shoulder press 40 reps @ 65% (65lbs), then 4 min AMRAP of: 5 HSPU + 25 DUs, rest 1:00, 4 min AMRAP of 5 dips + 10 burpees, :30 sec rest, then Tabata of ab mat sit-ups. Tuesday - Rest day! Wednesday - Trail run in the snow to Brighton lakes and Catherine Pass! 5.7 miles/1:20/1,730 ft elev gain. Thursday - CrossFit! 2 position clean + jerk (high hang, low hang 100lbs), then Prowler push x 7 @ 120lbs. Friday - Mtn bike ride! 10 miles/1:10/1,437 ft elev gain.
We do live in a beautiful state.