New shoes and Halloween decorations.
Currently... loving my second pair of Altra running shoes and, yes, I got the same obnoxious neon combination like I had last time. I mean, who wouldn't when the exact same shoes in a more normal color were an additional $40. Orand-and-green, please!
Currently... already decorating our loft for Halloween. With my sister here last weekend and a trip to Micheal's Craft Store together, of course we came home with a few spooky decorations. We put up a giant spider web on the sliding door to our deck and then Amanda made two huge black widow spiders. And the entire thing is visible from the street below. 'Tis the season!
Currently... enjoying my most recent home-brewed kombucha flavoring: Apple with cinnamon! I follow all the steps on the Kombucha Kamp for first fermentation and then I add in a tablespoon or so of sliced apples and a 1/4 teaspoon or so of cinnamon before starting my second fermentation. And the result is a deliciously spicy and tart drink that tastes so refreshing in the cool fall weather.
Currently... speaking of fall weather, IT IS STILL 90 DEGREES IN SALT LAKE CITY THIS WEEK. It feels nothing like fall and I am so over it.
Currently... flattered that someone recognized me today at CrossFit from reading my blog. Turns out she and I have a mutual friend and, that friend gave her my blog as she was pregnant at the same time I was. She came up to me and said, "I hope you don't find this creepy, but I totally know you."
And currently... looking forward to getting out of the house tonight for our monthly Bunco game. Food, drinks, and girl-talk is the perfect way to start the weekend!
Happy weekend! What are your plans?
Weekly Workouts: Monday - Amanda and I went to CrossFit! Bench press 30 reps at 70% (75lbs), then EMOTM for 20 minutes: Odd min = Kettlebell swings (53lbs!!!). Even min = 30 double unders (which I actually did!!!). Tuesday - SO SORE so rest day. Wednesday - Trail run to Lake Blanche! 7.2 miles/1:53/2,712 ft elev gain. Gorgeous run! Thursday - Soooooore. Friday - CrossFit! 3 x 3 heavy front squat with 3 second pause at the bottom (100lbs). WOD: 1000-meter row + 25 wall balls (14lbs) + 15 thrusters (55lbs) + 200 double unders (I did 100 DUs, then did 125 singles) + 15 thrusters + 25 wall balls + 1000-meter row = 18:05.
I hope Alice can come by Grandma's house to go trick or treating. I'm going to start this weekend putting out a few decorations. Have a great weekend! xo