Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Resolving Resolutions: 2013.

The sun hasn't shown yet on this trip... March 2013.

It's New Year's Eve!  The last day of 2013 and time to reflect back on my resolutions from last year to see how I did.  Here we go:
  1. Read more. At least 10 books in 2013. -- Accomplished! I finished my 10th book on Friday. Reviews of those books to follow soon.
  2. Be less defensive.  -- Um.  Work-in-progress.  But I'd like to think I was a little better this past year.
  3. Work out on most days of the week. -- Accomplished!
  4. Be present! No ruminating on the past. No fixating on the future.  -- I feel like I did pretty well on this one.  Moving back to SLC certainly helped with lessening my fixating.
  5. Enroll in a Masters in Nursing program. -- Fail!
  6. Own less stuff.  Buy things of quality.  Buy American. -- Moving across the country helped with the owning less stuff part, for sure.  And many of our major purchases for our loft remodel (i.e. movable wall, electric mirror and bathroom tile) are all American-made.
  7. Pay more attention to the kitties. -- Fail.  I might pay even less attention to them now.
  8. Proactively keep the house clean! -- Accomplished! Moving back into our loft has changed my cleaning habits. Loving where you live is a huge motivator for me, I guess.
  9. Ten pull-ups by the end of the year. -- Sort of accomplished!  I haven't been able to do even one pull-up without a band until just yesterday... AND THEN I DID TWO IN A ROW! Next year, 10 pull-ups for sure.
  10. Focus on quality time with Alice. Limit multi-tasking. -- Work-in-progress. Lessening my time scrolling on Facebook certainly helped with being present and limiting multi-tasking while interacting with my daughter. And wait until you see one of my resolutions for next year!
  11. Hoping for round two! -- We all know how this one went for me.....
So there it is.  Other than number 11, I'm pretty happy with how my resolutions turned out.  And now, over the next few days, I will fine-tune my resolutions for next year and then I'll share them with you.  Help keep me accountable!

Happy New Year!  Any big plans for tonight?  Not us.  I'm making this delicious chili (it's now my go-to chili recipe, Lauren!!) and we'll have drinks and a fire and will probably be in bed well before midnight.  When you have a toddler who hits the ground running at 6AM, there isn't much motivation to stay up late. 


  1. What a long list of resolutions. AND you accomplished so many of them. That is wonderful.

    We are going to a friends in Park City to celebrate the New Year... not sure I can stay up til midnight, hopefully they will give me a pillow and then wake me up at 12:00. Happy New Year! xoxo

  2. Happy New Year, Bri! I don't make resolutions, but I think yours are realistic and obviously accomplishable :)

  3. Happy New Year! I wasn't going to make resolutions this year, but your post reminded me to look back on the ones from last year & I think the time for reflection is good. You've done well with yours! I'll post soon about mine x

  4. I'm really sorry that your number 11 is giving you such grief. I had a friend who spent almost three years trying for a second and she is currently due anyway now. It is a lot more common than people think so while I didn't personally experience it I am happy to lend a venting ear if you ever need one.


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