Alice & Savta Rabah (the Hebrew name for great-grandma). June 2012.
With our weekends in Boston rapidly coming to an end, we're starting to think about all that we'd like to do before we move back to the other side of the country. Our plan for tonight was to capitalize on my mom being in town to watch Alice while Lee and I went on a much needed date. But last night we realized that, as of next week, our car will have left Boston for good and then we're down to only a handful of days here that will most likely be filled with packing up and traveling back to Salt Lake City.
Alice is fortunate enough to have three great-grandparents still healthfully living. And two of them happen to live not far from here on Long Island in New York. So tonight, when Alice begins to yawn and rub her tired little eyes, we'll load her up in the car and drive to them while she sleeps. As I've said before, it is just so much easier than trying to drive with that wild kid during the day.
And then in the morning, she'll wake up to a lot of hugs and kisses and snuggles from her Savta Rabah and Zayde Rabah.
P.S. Remember what I did before our last road trip to New York? Going to try not to repeat any of that this time.
Weekly Workouts: Monday - Run! 5 miles. Tuesday - CrossFit: 5 sets of 3 box squats (135lbs), then 4 sets of 6 reverse lunges (70lbs), then partner ab workout that is too tough to describe. Wednesday - CrossFit: 5 sets of 3 strict shoulder press (80lbs), then 400 meter run carrying 25lb plate, then 5 rounds for time of 3 wall climbs + 6 box jumps, then another 400 meter run carrying 25lb plate. Thursday - Rest day! Friday - CrossFit: 4 sets of 6 sumo dead lifts (105lbs), then 45 kettle bell swings (44lbs) + 1200 meter run (time of 8:30... LOVED that workout).
I'm excited to see Shirley and Victor, its been to long since my last visit. I'm glad we've got this opportunity to bring Alice too. Lots of pictures will be taken. What fun!