Monday, April 8, 2013


Weekends seem to fly by at a neck-breaking speed now that the weather is finally warm.  This past one brought friends over for a visit, a one-year old's birthday party, an afternoon Crossfit workout and an adventure in the kitchen making homemade mayonnaise.  As much fun as all those other things were, the homemade mayo was really the highlight of my weekend.  You see, I have this thing for mayo.  So when my friend told me she makes her own I couldn't wait to try my hand at making some, too.  I was a little apprehensive as the recipe made it sound like it could go really wrong really quickly if the steps weren't followed exactly as written.  But I had no problems!  And oh, is it deeeeelicious.  It's creamy.  It's tangy.  It's mayonnaise-y.  And it's already almost gone.  At the rate I'm eating it my thing for mayo could become more of an obsession.

And just like making my own nut and seed butters, now that I know how easy and delicious (and cheap!) the homemade version is, I don't think I'll ever buy store-bought mayo again.

Weekend workouts:  Saturday - Rest day. Sunday - Crossfit: Sumo deadlift (135lbs) 4 sets of 6. Then 40 deadlifts (105lbs) + 80 kettle bell swings (35lbs) + 1 mile run.

        Scenes from a party. April 2013.


  1. I feel like it was so cold this past weekend! But Alice's sunny yellow outfit and smile do make it look like a warm day. Today I finally believe that spring is here, and I'm so glad.

  2. What a fun play date. Look at all the fun toys. Alice looks a bit overwhelmed. I love the last picture of Alice in your collage.

    We thought spring had sprung here in Utah... but not today, it has been snowing in the mountains all day, with rain in the valleys. It's ok, the snowpack is low this year, so we need more snow. People were complaining about the rain/snow. I just told them I like to drink water in the summer. That shuts them up. Spring will be here soon enough. I can wait.

    In all my years, I have never made homemade mayo. Maybe I'll have to try this recipe. xo


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