Monday, September 24, 2012


  1. Every night, from 4:30PM till about 6PM, Alice and I are out on what I like to call the crank walk.  She gets cranky in our apartment at that time.  So we go out!  And I enjoy leisurely walking our neighborhood taking pictures of things I find interesting.  Such as our reflection in the walk signal button.  Or these awesome dahlias.
  2. Happy kid in the stroller.  Three months ago, she wanted nothing to do with that thing.
  3. Now that the weather is changing, nothing tastes better on a cool evening than a porter or a stout.  This porter from Slumbrew in Somerville, MA, was especially good.
  4. Carving pumpkins from Whole Foods.  It has been some time since I've bought a pumpkin but doesn't $5 a pop seem a bit steep?!
  5. Saturday afternoon appetizers and drinks at the Abbey.  Sangria for me.  Some sort of whiskey drink for him.  And Alice wondering if she can have a sip.
  6. The clouds have been amazing lately.  And the contrails, too.  Did you know the clouds that jets leave in the sky were called contrails?  Now I do.  Thanks, Wikipedia. 


  1. So happy to find the blog of another RN-turned-mom! I was a MICU nurse before basically having a baby and moving to rural Italy at the same time, and returning to work as an RN hasn't been feasible yet. I have found, as you seem to have done, that blogging is a great way to express yourself during that transition.

  2. Sangria! Afternoon sangria drinking is delightful.

  3. Great collage of pictures. Love the one where Alice is looking up at your husband... wishing he would share.

    Love you and miss you. Mom


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