Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Two Months.

Alice's attempt to copy Clifton. May 2012.

Dear Love Bug, 

Wow.  You are now two months old!  How these two months have flown by.  We have loved watching you get bigger and bigger seemingly overnight.  It really is amazing just how quickly you've grown!  You are already long and lean like a string bean but with a bit of adorable chub on your legs.  Your bald little head is finally starting to fill in with fine strands of auburn hair.  And hopefully you will have beautiful green eyes just like Daddy.     

This past week you have really started to smile and coo and gurgle and squawk.  Your favorite time to do this is first thing in the morning when your belly is full and you are rested.  And we are always able to get the baby conversation started by putting Mr. Owl in front of you.  You could stare at and talk to that googly-eyed bird for hours.  You are fascinated by books and love being read to as well.  The rhymes of Dr. Seuss have become a common sound around here.  You still love bath time and would stay in the sink all night if we'd let you.  You always seem to give us a cry of protest when we take you out of the warm water.  Maybe you'll be a swimmer when you get bigger!  Just so you know, Dad is pulling for you to be a triathlete.  We'll see.

Of course we loved you the day you were born but it is amazing how we love you even more now.  You are so much more fun as a two-month old than you were as a wee little newborn!  And we are sure it only gets better.

We love you so much.

Mom & Dad.    


  1. HAHAH i love the caption of the picture. She definitely looks like she's trying to copy Clifton.

  2. Alice's so cute!! Lulu loves Dr Seuss too, the rhymes & she's fascinated by the colourful covers.

  3. 2 months old... how time flies. So glad she loves books. She probably loves to listen to your voice. I remember reading to you when you were a baby. It's a wonderful way for her to learn and for you to share a love of reading and learning that will last a lifetime.


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