Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Shrinking pores.

I love a good beauty routine.  Remember those Biore strips from the '90s?  I loved those things (do they even make them anymore?).  I remember pulling them off my nose and then studying the gunk that came out of my pores (I know, sorry).  Imagine my delight when I saw a more chic version of the drugstore original at Sephora!  I've used the Black Luminizing Mask from this line (love!) so I figured these Pore Purifying Black Strips from Boscia would be just as amazing.  I was right!!  The forest of pore gunk was ridiculous.  And my nose?  Smooth skin and refined pores.  I'm totally sold!  And Sephora had a little pack of 6 strips for $15, which seems pricey but they don't recommend using it more than once or twice a week so the pack should last a while.  Don't you just love being a girl? 

Did you ever use the Biore pore strips?  A quick Google search reveals that they do, in fact, still make those nose strips!  I'll have to check my local CVS next time I'm there and relive my teenage days.  Hmmm... I wonder if putting duct tape on your nose and then ripping it off would give the same results.


  1. Funny - I was just cleaning out my medicine cabinet and found an empty box of those Biore nose strips. They're the weirdest little things - it's even weirder that we're all so fascinated by the stuff that comes off of our faces :)

    I must say, the black ones do look a good bit fancier, and fancier is always better.

    Love your little wishbone necklace!

  2. i love biore strips! and, yes, you did sell me on the sephora ones...i must try them!

  3. Yes on BOTH! I'm totally getting those strips as I was like you studying what I pulled off!!!

    Get Up & Go

  4. I have heard that putting a thin layer of Elmer's Glue on your nose, letting it dry, and then pulling it off works amazingly well. Haven't tried it, but it's a lot cheaper then 15 bucks for a 6 pack! Worth a try.


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