Scenes from Antelope Island. March 2015.
"I'm teased for being love-struck because of my silence, then teased further for my failure to react. But throughout the day, my heart roams in and out of my chest as though tethered to its own misery"
- Jim Shepard, Your Fate Hurtles Down at You
Happy weekend! What are your plans? I have to work tonight and tomorrow night then a Mother's Day brunch (with drinks!!) with friends at Finca!
Weekly Workouts: Monday - CrossFit! Front squats: Rep scheme 6-5-5-5-5-6 (115lbs), then 150 wall balls (14lbs) w/ 100-meter penalty for every break in WBs = 8:58. Tuesday - After a night shift and those wall balls, rest day! Wednesday - Road bike ride! 14.7 miles/52 min/1,153 ft elev gain. Downtown to water treatment plant in City Creek Canyon and back. Thursday - CrossFit! Tempo deadlifts: Rep scheme 8-6-4-8-6-4 (2 sec from the ground, 0 sec at the top, 5 sec down) = 143lbs, then 30 cal assault bike + 20 toes-to-bar (I can finally do them!) + 200-meter sprint + 20 T2B + 30 cal assault bike = 8:52. Friday - CrossFit! Weighted ring dips and pull-ups (ha! red band) then 3 RFT of 7 burpee pull-ups + 10 cal row, :30 sec rest. 9 sumo deadlift high pulls (65) + 200m run, :30 sec rest. 11 thrusters (65) + 30 double unders (4:45, 4:49, 4:46).
Very nice pictures. xo