Monday, October 20, 2014


The sun sets on the Oquirrhs.

Saturday morning I received a text that I had been anticipating for weeks. The text was from the husband of one of my best friends, letting me know that his wife was in labor! I'd been anticipating this moment for more than just wanting to congratulate my friend on her newest child but because she had asked me a few weeks ago if I'd be willing to photograph her labor and the birth of her daughter.

I left Alice and Lee to do our usual Saturday morning routine of wandering the farmers market and I quickly drove to their home where my friend was laboring under the watchful eye of her skilled midwife. Having seen a few women in labor before (and having been in labor myself), I was amazed at how calm and collected she seemed despite being just a few hours away from delivering a baby.

The whole experience was surreal and I was brought to tears more than once as I watched her endure and then overcome the pain of a contraction while her husband rubbed her back or held her hand. She was a pillar of strength and I was awestruck by her resolve but also by the ability of the human body to persevere through what is probably one of the most painful experiences a healthy woman will ever go through.

Watching her labor and then deliver a perfectly healthy baby girl brought up feelings I didn't anticipate, though. As I watched her in the birthing tub, her husband giving support at her side, tears sprung to my eyes as I realized I will never again experience the anticipation, the pain, and then the joy of meeting your child for the first time. In that moment of unexpected emotion, I was grateful for the lens of my camera to hide my tears as I didn't want the moment to be colored by the grief I was feeling.

But as she held her seconds-old baby in her arms, I felt that grief dissipate and I was immediately flooded with joy at having witnessed such a miraculous event. And I felt honored to have helped welcome a new life onto this planet.

Weekend Workouts: Saturday & Sunday - None! After having watched the birth of a baby, I felt completely exhausted and totally out of it for the rest of the day. And Sunday was no better! Back at it this week.


  1. That is so awesome you could be there for her! What a gift.

    I can't watch births for this reason, even on TV/internet. Still too painful. I have a pull towards women's health, but I know I can't do it.

    I love all your Utah sunset photos, beautiful!

  2. What a great opportunity for you. They must be great friends to let you be a part of such an intimate and emotional experience. So glad you were there for them. Hope you are doing well. Love you! xo


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