Friday, June 6, 2014

Road Trip Advice.

Ice-cold Lake Tahoe at King's Beach.

After an 8-hour drive from Salt Lake to Reno and a 3-hour drive from Reno to Napa, we survived another road trip with our toddler. She did remarkably well the first day and made it 246 miles before asking to watch a show on my iPad.

But then after she realized that watching Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood was an option while driving, she wanted nothing to do with mama's games of finding trains or counting cows. So let that be a lesson to you parents taking road trips with your toddler! Leave the show-watching to the very end. Or, if you are really brave, bring no shows at all.

I'm not that brave.

Alice woke up on the second day of our trip at 5:30AM and, after a 7AM breakfast and it becoming very apparent that the city of Reno isn't really our kind of town, we continued west on I-80 toward Napa with a few hours pit-stop in King's Beach on Lake Tahoe.

Alice loved running in the sand and splashing in the ice-cold water. And we enjoyed a break from the incessant, Mama, can I watch Daniel Tiger? Pleeeeeeeeease?!?!

Happy weekend! What are your plans?

Weekly Workouts: My workouts were abysmal this week... Monday - Run! 3.3 miles/27 min/328 ft elev gain. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - NONE! Ugh. Friday - Trail run! 3 miles/34 min/913 ft elev gain.

Wet shorts led to a bare bum.


  1. Any roadtrip to California is a good one! When we introduced movies and the iPad to my son, I was a bit worried that would take center stage all the time, but he does eventually tire of it. We've done a few 3-4 hour plane trips and after about 2 hours, he'll have nothing to do with the DVD player or the iPad.

  2. Darling pictures of Alice at Lake Tahoe. I'm glad you took the side trip. Great adventure.
    Explaining 'time' to a toddler... it just doesn't compute in their brains. 5 minutes seems like a lifetime. Hang in there. xoxo

  3. Daniel Tiger, haha, in our car it would be the same except one would ask for Bob the Buildaaa! I find that traveling with toddlers is always such an adventure, you never know what you're going to get. We flew to Europe last year and had numerous flights scheduled plus hours of car rides in sweltering heat ( no a/c!!) and miraculously, it went really well, however a short trip to the grocery store the other day turn out to be hellish because someone didn't get to buckle himself. Oh well, you win some you loose some:)


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