Tuesday, December 24, 2013


A sneak-peek of our new hallway.

Currently... loving our new wallpaper in the hallway. Other than the delayed start, remarkably nothing else went wrong with the install. It's dark. It's dramatic. And as soon as we get our vents back on and our new lighting installed, I'll try to capture the entire space as it really turned out beautifully.

Currently... annoyed with our movable wall people. Like EVERYTHING else in this project, they've eff'ed up, too. Remember how I said Christmas comes early for us on December 20th when our 3-form wall arrives?! Ya. Lee went to pick it up yesterday, which was already three days late (and is a whole different story), and IT ISNT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING FINISHED!! I'll be blogging about this topic more in depth later because it really is unbelievable how this company is behaving.

Currently... about to get my ass kicked at CrossFit this afternoon with this workout. Ouch.

Currently... enjoying the unexpected warm(er) weather we're having today. It's so nice out that Lee will be grilling our Christmas Eve dinner later tonight! Local Utah trout fillets.

And currently... excited to eat these delectables after that delicious dinner.

What are you currently doing?

Carlucci's Bakery. They did our wedding cupcakes, too!


  1. I love(!!) that wallpaper! Such a gorgeous pattern - modern and sophisticated w/o being too "stuffy." Great choice :)

    I also love [and am envying] those Carlucci's treats!

    Hope you three have a wonderful Christmas!

  2. The wallpaper is beautiful! So sorry to hear the walls aren't going smoothly, how frustrating!


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