Thursday, November 21, 2013


Sunset on the Napa River. Nov 2012.

Currently... looking forward to a reprieve from our remodel to enjoying this view of the Napa River for a few days. And a glass or three of wine. Daily.

Currently... a little embarrassed (okay, a lot) that I got up to the register at the grocery store this morning with a cart full of groceries and no wallet. Luckily the woman ringing me up had sympathy and let me call Lee to get my credit card number over the phone. Sheesh.

Currently... after two weeks without one, I'm so happy to be brushing my teeth and washing my face in our new bathroom sink. Our new vanity counter was installed earlier this week and, as soon as the Electric Mirror arrives and the new tile goes up, I'll do the big bathroom remodel reveal.

Currently... not even close to ready for our road trip tomorrow. But I do have hours and hours worth of Dora... and Peppa the Pig downloaded to entertain Alice and keep us sane during the long drive.

Currently... can't wait till Alice goes to bed tonight so that we can watch the final episode in season four of Breaking Bad. Does that show make anyone else anxious like it does me?! I find myself tightly gripping a pillow during most episodes.

And currently... Happy 20 months tomorrow, Love Bug.

What are you currently doing?


  1. We were on a Breaking Bad kick for a while. We recently finished season 3 and I'm eager to start season 4! Have fun in Napa!

  2. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! It will be fun to see how Alice interacts with Grandpa and Grandma T. Hope you can also spend some time with your sisters and brother. It should be a great time. Safe Journey! xo


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