Alice & Great Grandma. Nov 2012.
Our little family is headed to my grandma's today for the weekend. My dad, step-mom and sister are all en route, too. Since my sister recently finished a two-year Peace Corps assignment, it's been more than three years since we have all been together.
I can't wait for them to see how much Alice has grown! And how fiery her little personality can be, too.
What are you doing this weekend?
Weekly workouts: Monday - CrossFit! Warm up of snatches and overhead squats then 8 sets of 2 squat cleans @ 80% (83lbs), then 5 rounds for time of: 9 power cleans, 9 overhead squats, 9 box jumps (53lbs, 24in). Tuesday - Rest day. Wednesday - Mtn bike! Backside of Bonneville Shoreline trail. 9.7 miles/1,426 feet elevation gain. Thursday - CrossFit. Warm up of back squats, good-mornings and hollow rocks, then find a heavy 5-rep max for back squats (130lbs), then rep scheme of 21-15-9 of dead lifts and pull-ups (135lbs, red+blue). Oh and then 2 minutes max effort calorie ride in the airdyne bike. Ouch. Friday - CrossFit! 5 sets of 2 clean & jerk @ 80% (4 sets at 90lbs, 1 set at 103lbs). Then as many rounds as possible in 10 min of: 8 lateral jumps + 5 hang power cleans (14 rounds + 8 + 1.12in, 75lbs).
Obviously Alice's Dad did her hair that day.
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