Sunday, April 22, 2012

Made with Love.

Alice enjoying the hand-stitched blanket from her great-grandmother.

My wonderful and still healthy 84 year-old grandmother made this beautiful blanket for Alice and she hand-stitched the entire thing.  I still have the baby blanket that she made for me 33 years ago and I treasure it so much.  I hope that Alice will do the same with this baby blanket.  Thank you, Grandma from both Alice and me.  And we can't wait for Alice to meet you in just a few short weeks.   

Seriously.  Does anyone make anything handmade anymore?  I sound so jaded but when I look at all the things that my grandmother can make, most of which she learned to do in high school, I am appalled at what little skills I have in making things.  I don't know how to can.  I don't know how to crochet.  I don't know how to quilt.  I don't know how to sew.  I don't know how to cross-stitch.  But goddamnit, I am going to learn! 


  1. It’s actually a nice and useful piece of post. I am glad that you simply shared with us. Thanks!

  2. You are never too old to learn to sew, crochet, cross stitch or knit. I've done them all, some not so well. I'm not very patient (you may have inherited this trait), I don't follow directions very well, so alot of "un-picking with the seam ripper. I think you would have fun learning. Have your grandma show you a few tricks on her new sewing machine. xoxo


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