Friday, May 27, 2011

And then I remember...

(My first pair of work clogs. They've changed. I've changed. But we're still both going strong.)

Sometimes being a nurse is hard.  Sometimes I want to poke my eyes out and pull my hair and SCREAM as loud as I can.  But I don't.  I suck it up and I deal with it.  And then there are the days when I'm reminded why I became a nurse.  Today was one of those days.  It was a good day.  

I watched the Oprah finale and, I have to say, I thought it was pretty phenomenal.  One of her quotes really resonated with me (I took notes) and it reminded me of how I want to be with my patients in my nursing practice.

"I see you.  I hear you.  And what you say, matters to me."    

Cheesy, I know.  But, often times, that's all a patient wants.  Validation.  Knowing that you understand them and that you are listening.    

Do you ever lose sight of why you went into your chosen career?  Every once in awhile I question why I became a nurse.  But then I have a day like today.  And I fall back in love with my profession.


  1. I "like" this!! ;) A very good reminder why I want to be in the field that I am in. Thanks!! (Have fun with KPT in Boston!!)

  2. Oh Briana, I watched part of her show online today and I saw the part about her saying what she is one of the shorter clips online on her last season site ...I watched it over and over and took much of what she said resonated with me about using our gifts and letting out light shine to make a better world. About how we all have a calling or gift and a platform and it is up to us to to figure out what it is that makes us tick. So wonderful! To be the best us is to do what we love and inspire and touch others. I love Oprah. Didn't watch a ton of her the past few years but I think that she is truly a gift to this world. Love your pics of you and your sis. Looks like you had a great day in Boston today! So love your blog Briana!


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