Thursday, March 29, 2012

Making Weight.

Out & About to the Pediatrician.

I am slowly starting to feel more like myself.  More back to normal.  I can't believe it has already been a week since Alice made her entrance into the world.  In a way, this week feels much longer.  So much has changed in just a week.  We have a daughter!  We are parents.  I am a mom.  It is surreal.  And I am starting to believe that this new chapter of my life has begun.

We are barely sleeping, which is, of course, to be expected at this stage.  I am still ridiculously emotional and I cry at least once a day, usually over something silly.  Actually, that isn't true.  Usually I cry over this whole breast feeding thing.  We are doing it and it is working but boy, is it stressful!  But more on that in a later post.

We went to the pediatrician today and good news!!  She has gained 4 ounces since Tuesday.  Of course it is normal for newborns to lose weight after delivery (about 10%) but Alice had lost 12% of her birth weight when we were discharged from the hospital on Monday and then lost a little more (down 13%) on Tuesday.  That might have caused just a little bit of stress in this new mom's life.  Just a little.  But the tables have turned and she is now a whopping 7 lbs 4 oz!  Keep it up, wee-one. 

And thank you for all of your kind words about Alice's birth story.  It was so emotional for me to write it out but I am glad I did.  It is a day I never want to forget.


  1. Congratulations on the weight gain. It's not often you want to hear that compliment as a woman. For your little one that is great! Keep up the good work. Try to get a cat nap in for yourself, when Alice is napping. So proud of your little family! xo

  2. PS: Love her little hat. Grama B is very talented. xoxo

  3. I understand what you mean about the weight gain. I went through the same worry with my son. Keep going strong with the breastfeeding, don't give up. I know it is stressful and most of the time you don't know if you are doing right or not. But for me, it was the most reward experience in my life. I loved to breastfeed my baby! I breastfeed him till he was 15 months! Don't forget, try to sleep when she is sleeping!

  4. So sweet in her little beanie :)

  5. Yes you ARE a wonderful. I still need to read your birth story...nothing like the birth story. I remember how special that was and how special it was to tell that story. So powerful. xo

  6. keep up the good work! good for you!!

  7. Yay! That's great news :) I don't have a baby and I cry too at stupid stuff like commercials or seeing people do nice things. I can only imagine what it will be like after I have a baby. Oh boy...

  8. I hear you on the crying. I usually cry at least once every few days. Yesterday I loaded Lulu in the car, put on the flaming lips and drove around town crying while she fell asleep. It was the third day of a particularly long stretch. Today is much better. I find that I'm less likely to cry if I've exercised, had enough to eat & a little bit of sleep. The trifector doesn't happen often enough these days. You'll work out your triggers before too long & be able to mitigate it a bit better :)


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