Friday, November 18, 2011


Another week, another Shades of Autumn photo challenge.  This is the last week of the contest (although I'm sure there will be others).  This week's color inspiration?  White.  I found these beautiful puffy white plants last week in SLC while on my morning walk.  I took these photos on automatic mode because, last week, I was still too wussy to experiment with manual mode.  But not any more!  I wish I could go back to that morning and shoot those shots again in manual mode!  I'd love to see the different outcomes.

I'll be working all weekend so no fun or new dinner recipes from me for the next few days.  I know you are totally bummed (kidding).  But my husband will be on dinner duty!  Can't wait.

What do you do with ALL of the photos that you take?  Oh geez.  I need a plan.  Right now I have thousands of photos on our Mac.  The question becomes what to do with them.  Paper scrapbook?  Online scrapbook?  Book?  Calendar?  Luckily they are all backed up online through Carbonite.  I'd cry if I lost all of them!


  1. Those photos are so gorgeous! I have the hardest time organizing digital files. When it comes to tangible organization I feel totally in control, but as soon as I'm unable to see everything all laid out at once I become hopeless! If you figure out some great tips please share :)

  2. Beautiful photos! Love the puffs. I save my photos to an external hard drive, but carbonite only saved what was on my computer. Need to figure out one that will save my pics from the external drive. Thanks for joining the Shades of Autumn Challenge. Make sure to stop by next week with a fav fall photo to be entered into the drawing for some fab prizes.

  3. I love your puffs!! they are so fun! i have the same many photos on my mac! my husband recently bought me an external hard drive, so i've been moving them over that that. We also have Carbonite and another separate storage device that I can wirelessly transfer my files too. Hopefully they are well backed up.


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