For the past 11 years, my mom and Aharon have been in charge of the 39-mile point Big Mountain station for the Wasatch 100 mile Endurance run and pretty much every year since my first time volunteering at the race back in 1998, I have said "Someday I'm going to run this race." The race happened this weekend and, unfortunately, I was unable to help out because I was in Utah last weekend and needed to be back in L.A. to work this weekend. At work last night, around 3 a.m., I was checking out how the runners were doing, since most of them were still running at that hour (wow!). The winner had already finished and he did it in a scorching time of 20 hours and 14 minutes! The race will continue until 5 pm today, giving the participants 36 hours to finish the 100 mile course.
So I got to thinking... which, at 3 am isn't always the best idea. I will definitely be living in Utah by this time next year... and I will also be 30 (eek!)... so why not celebrate the milestone of both starting a new life in a new state and starting a new decade by finally doing what I've always dreamed of doing... RUNNING THE WASATCH 100!! I scoped out the application process and looked at how the race directors select the race participants and since I've volunteered for more than 3 years at the race, I have a better chance of being one of the 250 runners that are chosen to run it. And hopefully I'll be a shoo-in because my mom, Aharon, my sister, 3 of my aunts, and 5 of my cousins and me have volunteered consistently over the last 11 years.
I mean, I've run 9 marathons (# 10 is in less than 2 weeks) so how much harder can it be to add an extra 73.8 miles onto a measly 26.2? ;-)
Seriously, though... I'm gonna do it. Registration starts Jan 2nd, 2009. I'm putting the word out now for those who would be so kind as to pace me during the race. Any takers?
You are a rock star! Holy Cow I would never be able to do this, but you totally can and will. I would love to pace you. I guess you will just have to teach me how. I can't wait till you move here, so we can run together. Maybe help me train to do my first marathon. Anyway I love your goal, and I know that you will do awesome!
ReplyDeletethank you SO much Alta. Pacing is easy and there isn't much to learn.... I won't be running this race fast so all I need you there for is emotional support. I think each pacer can only pace for like 10 or so miles total but every little bit helps.
ReplyDeleteI will totally help you train for a marathon AND I also can't wait to be your running partner... just like the good ol' days of running track at East! I also want to get into snow shoeing in the winter... any interest?
Hey!! Are you running top of Utah this year? I am doing the grand slam, and have two races to go, Top of Utah, and St. George... I hope that I see you there if you are running it! The 100 sounds brutal, but I would love to be a pacer... Let me know what you need!! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteYou are an ANIMAL!! I have seen this race a few times with you & it is INSANE!! I will cheer you on!! Amazing...really! xoxoxox
Thanks Sum and Lisa.... I am so amped to do it and I'm hoping to stay amped until next Sept when it actually happens. I would love you guys to pace/cheer me on. It is so much more of an emotional race than physical after so many miles.... ;-)