Monday, February 20, 2012

Dreaming about...

1. 2. 3. 4.

I've been perusing Etsy again.  These newborn hats are adorable!  I can totally see myself posing our wee-one with hats and outfits and such.  It's a good thing my husband just bought more memory for our Mac because I bet the photo-taking is going to drastically increase once she's here.  Can't wait.

And thank you for your concern (and funny story, Caroline!) about my trip-and-fall.  Since I can't seem to stay upright in the things, I've given up on my Dansko nursing shoes until after this kid is born.  Those things are a rolled ankle waiting to happen for me.  

Any fun plans for President's Day?  Not me.  Working!  But I start maternity leave this Friday.  Get excited.       


  1. Oh so sweet. Yikes about falling. Yes, stay safe and let those shoes go. :)

  2. Glad you and the baby are doing okay. Scary stuff, falling when you're pregnant.

    I roll my ankles in my Danskos all the time. My friend at work is pregnant and she just bought some Danskos because her feet were killing her. I gave her the ankle roll disclaimer the first day she wore them!

    Can't wait to see pics of the baby!


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