Thursday, August 25, 2011

Farmers Market: Hurricane Irene edition.

After a two-week hiatus due to work getting in the way (the nerve!), I finally got to go to the Brookline Farmer's Market.  I don't know if people were stocking up for the coming hurricane because the place was packed today.  Annoyingly so, actually.  But there were hurricane specials!  I got some delicious nectarines for the bargain price of $1.25.... thanks, Irene!

And then I came home and made myself this tasty snack.  'BaNilla' yogurt (that's right, banana and vanilla), raspberries, blueberries, and a peach with a sprinkle of ground flax.  A delicious combination!

If you live in the Northeast, do you honestly think this hurricane is going to bother us?  I'm skeptical but I've never been through a hurricane so I have no idea what to expect.  I'm sure it will peter out by the time it hits the Carolinas.  I love me some wild weather, though, so I hope she packs a little bit of a punch!

1 comment:

  1. That farmer's market looks to die for!!! And Banilla- brilliant!!!!! Stay safe whatever happens- we've had a tornado hit just north of us and some serious thunderstorms that are totally not usual for Toronto. Been a little scary here!


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